
The entire cost of running and maintaining Morville church and churchyard is borne by personal contributions of the local congregation, fund raising and donations. Not only is the church important as a place of worship but also it is a notable local historic building (grade 1 listed). For centuries it has been used by local families for baptisms, weddings and funerals as well as for prayers. The churchyard, a peaceful country resting place is maintained for generations past, present and future. As well as keeping the church and churchyard open and in use, we use our funds, when we can, to help support other charities both local and national.

Charities we have supported include Bridgnorth Food Bank, Royal British Legion, Disaster Crisis Appeals, Crows Mill Craft Centre, Children’s Society, Shropshire Deaf Children’s Society.

Morville Parochial Church Council is committed to keeping the church and churchyard open and in good repair but we do need help. There are several ways you can help us:

Make a donation by debit/credit card by clicking here to take you to our payment facility. This allows you to use gift aid which very helpfully increases your donation to us by 25% (if applicable).

Make a regular donation using the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS). This is a fantastic scheme that enables you easily to donate directly to St Gregory the Great Church:

  • Donate monthly, quarterly or annually by Direct Debit
  • Sign up to inflation linked giving annually, if you choose
  • Enhance your gift to the parish by having Gift Aid at 25% added to your giving
  • Give anonymously, if you prefer
  • Donate securely

PGS provides three ways in which you can set up a Direct Debit to donate regularly to St Gregory the Great Church, Morville:

  • via paper 'Gift Form' – please request one by using the message form on our Contact Us page
  • via the PGS telephone service on 0333 002 1271, Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm
  • via the PGS website – enter Morville in the box parish name and click on St Gregory the Great church. You will now be able to fill in your details very easily and set up your donation.

Make a one off donation

We are very grateful for all donations of whatever amount as these help to keep the church open. Donations can be made in church by placing a donation in the wallbox next to the main door. Alternatively full details of how to make a donation by cheque or bank transfer are shown on the attached form here.

The church is a charity and does obtain gift aid from donations from taxpayers increasing your donation by 25%. Please use the form to complete your declaration if applicable (or a yellow envelope if leaving a donation in the church wallbox).

We also sell paperbacks for 50p in church to raise funds – why not have a look when you visit?

Leave a legacy to the church in your will. See our legacy page for further details.

Support the Morville Church Building Trust a separate charity dedicated to maintaining the fabric and structure of St Gregory the Great Church.

Thank you for thinking of Morville Church – every donation helps us
to keep the church and churchyard open and welcoming.